Irrigation Water Treatment for Food Safety
Ensure the protection of your brand with BioSafe Systems’ solutions for mitigating cross-contamination of foodborne bacterial pathogens in preharvest irrigation water.

SaniDate WTO
BioSafe Systems’ SaniDate WTO is the First EPA-Registered Product to Reduce and Control Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens in Agricultural Irrigation Water for Organic Production
BioSafe Systems continues to pioneer food safety management solutions for irrigation water with this groundbreaking label update for organic agriculture production. After years of collaborative work with industry and university researchers, BioSafe Systems announces that SaniDate® WTO has been EPA-registered for the reduction of foodborne bacterial pathogens in preharvest agricultural irrigation water used in organic production. SaniDate WTO is currently the only EPA-registered product labeled for the reduction and control of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), including O157:H7, and Salmonella enterica in preharvest organic irrigation water.
Read the full press release
SaniDate WTO Resources

SaniDate 12.0
BioSafe Systems’ SaniDate 12.0 is the First EPA-Registered Product to Reduce and Control Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens in Agricultural Irrigation Water
BioSafe Systems continues to pioneer food safety management solutions for agricultural irrigation water with this groundbreaking label update. After years of collaborative work with industry and university researchers, BioSafe Systems announces that SaniDate® 12.0 has been approved by the EPA for the reduction of foodborne bacterial pathogens in preharvest agricultural irrigation water. SaniDate 12.0 is currently the only EPA-registered product labeled for the reduction and control of Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), including O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica in preharvest irrigation water.
Featured Products

Controls Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, including O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica

High-strength PAA formulation for irrigation water treatment

OMRI-Listed SaniDate WTO
Controls Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, including O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica for organic production

OMRI-Listed OxiDate 5.0
Spray tank water treatment to prevent cross-contamination of bacteria
SaniDate vs. Chlorine
- No potential phytotoxicity unlike chlorine-based products
- No addition of sodium or chlorides to soil
- Works across a broad pH range (4-9)
- Low turbidity influence
- Treated water does not interact with fertilizers or pesticides