Water Quality

Liquid Lime Pond Supplement

Calcis is a liquid lime supplement for lakes and ponds that helps create ideal living conditions for aquatic life and promotes overall productivity in fishing ponds, hatcheries, fish farms and other water bodies. Calcis will improve nutrient availability, enhancing the natural food chain and provide calcium for fish osmoregulation, egg hardening and other overall water health benefits.

Oxidizing Agent

GC Liquid Oxidizer Treatment is an effective solution for hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans and oxidizable compounds. As an alternative to liquid odor control solutions such as permanganate and chlorine, peroxyacetic acid (PAA) provides strong oxidizing power to target odor compounds at a cost-effective price. The environmentally sensitive nature of PAA is an ideal replacement to commonly used chemistries.

Oxidizing Agent

GCPRO Oxidizer Treatment is the clear choice for treating hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, other malodors and oxidizable compounds. Its powerful, oxidizing formula also cleans organic residues and buildup without the pains and stains involved with the handling of other chemistries; making it the ideal alternative to potassium permanganate.

Algaecide / Fungicide / Bactericide

GreenClean Liquid 5.0 is an effective and selective chemistry for the control of cyanobacteria and algae. Like all BioSafe Systems’ products, GreenClean Liquid 5.0 is a sustainable, reduced-risk chemistry that has minimal impact on non-target organisms.

Beneficial Bacteria

GreenClean Pond Block is formulated to increase water quality and clarity by reducing excess nutrients in water bodies. Build up of organic debris and other materials is often responsible for murky water, foul odors, and increased nutrient levels.

Granular Algaecide / Fungicide

GreenClean PRO is a fast-acting water treatment tool that is effective against a broad spectrum of algae types, including filamentous and planktonic blue-green algae.

Drinking Water Acidifier

ReduceIT is a sulfuric acid and sodium sulfate-based product that helps lower the pH levels in poultry drinking water. Water acidifiers have been shown to improve water palatability and improve the efficacy of disinfectants, particularly peroxyacetic acid (PAA) products like SaniDate® 5.0. ReduceIT can be used through the entire grow-out for both layers and broilers and helps promote a healthy gut flora which produces a healthy bird.

Bactericide, Fungicide

SaniDate 12.0 eliminates plant pathogens, algae, and foodborne bacterial pathogens in irrigation water. In agricultural water treatment, SaniDate 12.0 is the first EPA-registered product to reduce and control foodborne bacterial pathogens in preharvest irrigation water.

Postharvest Sanitizer, Disinfectant

Peroxyacetic acid-based chemistry is designed to be a versatile solution in many agribusiness applications. This sanitizer/ disinfectant treats and controls spoilage-causing organisms, as well as human health pathogens. Whether it's hard surface sanitation, postharvest wash water treatment, or irrigation systems and water treatment, SaniDate 15.0 is ideal for use throughout the production.

Sanitizer, Disinfectant

Peroxyacetic acid-based chemistry is designed to be a versatile solution in many agribusiness applications. This sanitizer/ disinfectant treats and controls spoilage-causing organisms, as well as human health pathogens. Whether it's hard surface sanitation, postharvest wash water treatment, or irrigation systems and water treatment, SaniDate 15.0 is ideal for use throughout the production.

Bactericide / Fungicide

SaniDate HC is a broad-spectrum algaecide, bactericide and fungicide formulated for the treatment of agricultural field irrigation water and systems to control plant pathogenic organisms. Its concentrated formula delivers compelling and immediate results in chemigation applications for soilborne and foliar pathogens.