TerraGrow® 2-0-6

5 Strain Formula! BACILLUS LICHENIFORMIS Denitrifier — Changes nitrate into nitrogen and releases nutrients for plants BACILLUS SUBTILIS Releases soil bound nutrients — Produces enzymes that enhance crop vigor and growth BACILLUS PUMILUS Releases soil bound nutrients — Growth promoter BACILLUS AMYLOLIQUEFACIENS Releases soil bound nutrients — Produces beneficial enzymes for plant growth BACILLUS MEGATERIUM […]
TerraGrow® Liquid (2-0-2)

Improves plant stress tolerance Stimulates plant growth and vigor Promotes healthy rooting systems Improves nutrient availability Agricultural Uses FOLIAR SPRAYS Boost plant health and improve stress tolerance. DIRECT INJECT/CHEMIGATION Automate your plant health program with a simple injection system and apply through overhead irrigation or drip application. CUTTING AND ROOT DIP Dip basal end of […]
ZeroTol® HC

ZeroTol HC’s specialized chemical composition partners well with conventional and biological pest management practices already in use. As a no residue disinfectant, it can be followed by biological applications that protect plants through colonization. Promotes stronger roots and stems No residues Kills disease on contact Environmentally responsible — Sustainable chemistry Can be used around people, […]

5 Strain Formula! BACILLUS LICHENIFORMIS Denitrifier — Changes nitrate into nitrogen and releases nutrients for plant to use BACILLUS SUBTILIS Releases soil bound nutrients — Produces enzymes that enhance crop vigor and growth BACILLUS PUMILUS Releases soil bound nutrients — Growth promoter BACILLUS AMYLOLIQUEFACIENS Releases soil bound nutrients — Produces beneficial enzymes for plant growth […]

Why AzaGuard? AzaGuard’s natural botanical formula meets all of the requirements of the National Organic Program (NOP), and is an important tool in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and sustainable disease control programs. Formulation captures over 100 Limonoids Compounds Immediately effective on insect larvae Anti-feedant, insect growth regulator, ovi–position deterrent Target all life stages by tank […]