EAST HARTFORD, CT – BioSafe Systems is pleased to announce results from a GLP efficacy study demonstrated that SaniDate 5.0 is an effective virucide against Human Coronavirus on hard, non-porous surfaces. The efficacy study was conducted using SaniDate 5.0 at a rate of 8 mL per Liter (1 fl. oz. per gallon) with a 10-minute contact time, an application specifically designed to combat Human Coronavirus.
SaniDate 5.0 is a cleaner, sanitizer and disinfectant approved for use in a multitude of markets, such as agriculture and livestock production, veterinary clinics, food processing plants, packinghouses, farms and greenhouses. SaniDate 5.0 may also be used to disinfect harvest and field equipment such as hand tools, gloves, hard hats, shovels, racks, scissors, brooms, shelves, hooks, packing boxes, freezers, fans, worktables, tractors, trailers, post-harvest equipment, tires and rugs.
BioSafe Systems, LLC is a company leading innovations since 1998 for environmentally sustainable practices and products that protect crops, water, and people. Our success hinges on a commitment to customer service, quality research, regulatory compliance, and the willingness to adapt. BioSafe Systems is a family-owned and operated company certified by NQA to ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015, and 45001:2018, and our products are manufactured proudly in the United States. More about BioSafe Systems