SaniDate® 5.0 Canada gets updates to label

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EAST HARTFORD, CT – BioSafe Systems’ SaniDate® 5.0 Canada has expanded its label to include new pathogen control claims, several new applications, and mold and mildew control. The 5% PAA product is now labeled as a viricidal against Human Influenza Virus (H1N1), Canine Distemper Virus, and Avian Influenza Virus (H9N2), as well as being a disinfectant against Salmonella, Listeria, Pseudomonas, and numerous other bacteria and fungi.

Among the new approved applications are:

  • Sanitizing casing or shell egg wash
  • Use in disinfecting foot baths, mats, and trays
  • Mold and mildew control on hard, non-porous surfaces
  • Foaming disinfection/cleaning

SaniDate® 5.0 Canada previously had approved labeling for disinfection of food-contact surfaces, sanitizing conveyers for meat, poultry, and seafood, along with disinfection of poultry hatcheries and poultry holding areas (trucks, coops, crates, barns, kennels, and hutches).

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About BioSafe Systems

BioSafe Systems, LLC is a company leading innovations since 1998 for environmentally sustainable practices and products that protect crops, water, and people. Our success hinges on a commitment to customer service, quality research, regulatory compliance, and the willingness to adapt. BioSafe Systems is a family-owned and operated company certified by NQA to ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015, and 45001:2018, and our products are manufactured proudly in the United States. More about BioSafe Systems