Earlier this year, BioSafe Systems was featured in the Hartford Business Journal after being honored at the 2023 Connecticut Family Biz Awards. When the front-page feature piece about BioSafe Systems’ Next Generation appeared in the Hartford Business Journal covering BioSafe Systems’ sustainable mission in agribusiness, it caught the attention of the state senate’s office. In August, Connecticut state Senator Richard Blumenthal came to visit BioSafe Systems headquarters in East Hartford.

He came to East Hartford and met our CEO Lauren (Larose) Crane at our Innovation Center where we conduct our on-site research including water testing for our customers. He then met our headquarters employees and sat down with our managerial team and discussed residue-free water quality solutions and our latest milestone, a label improvement for SaniDate® 12.0 that qualifies our chemistry for treating foodborne bacterial pathogens in preharvest irrigation water (more info here). He shared his appreciation and respect for our company mission and we found common ground over his specific interest in water quality preservation and our commitment to sustainable water treatment.
Senator Blumenthal has a history of advocating for the environment and water quality in Connecticut. For over ten years, he’s been advocating for Connecticut’s Long Island Sound, and local tributaries and backed legislation that provides grants for water treatment.