ZeroTol® HC

ZeroTol® HC

Broad-Spectrum Algaecide, Bactericide, Fungicide
ZeroTol HC works on contact to prevent diseases such as Powdery Mildew, Botrytis, and Pythium from developing and spreading in your grow. With no toxic residues and a 0-day preharvest interval, ZeroTol HC gives users peace of mind when using it around people, pets, and wildlife.
Tomatoes ripening on the vine

ZeroTol HC’s specialized chemical composition partners well with conventional and biological pest management practices already in use. As a no residue disinfectant, it can be followed by biological applications that protect plants through colonization.

Where can ZeroTol HC be used?

Home, hobby and small hydroponic growers can use ZeroTol HC to control diseases on ornamentals in the landscape, houseplants, vegetables, berries, herbs and other edible plants. Zerotol HC can be used to disinfect greenhouse surfaces and equipment, such as: glazing, plastic, pots, flats, trays, cutting tools, benches, work areas, walkways, floors, walls, fan blades, watering systems, coolers, storage rooms, structures and equipment.

Home, hobby and small hydroponic growers can use ZeroTol HC to control diseases on ornamentals in the landscape, houseplants, vegetables, berries, herbs and other edible plants. Zerotol HC can be used to disinfect greenhouse surfaces and equipment, such as: glazing, plastic, pots, flats, trays, cutting tools, benches, work areas, walkways, floors, walls, fan blades, watering systems, coolers, storage rooms, structures and equipment.

Treat hydroponic and aquaponic growing systems to control water-borne pathogens such as pythium and fusarium.
Treat turf in well-established lawns for disease and algae. Control landscape, tree and shrub diseases such as powdery mildew.
  • Downy Mildew
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Leaf Blight
  • Anthracnose
  • Botrytis*
  • Xanthomonas*
  • Rhizoctonia*
  • Leaf Spot*
  • Pseudomonas*
    *Not approved for use in California.
  • Anthracnose
  • Brown Spot
  • Dollar Spot
  • Summer patch
  • Copper Spot*
  • Strip Smut*
  • Take-All Patch*
  • Leaf Spot*
  • Fusarium*
  • Fairy Ring*
  • Pink Snow Mold*
  • Pythium*
  • Phytophthora*
  • Rhizoctonia* *Not approved for use in California.
ZeroTol HC Application Rates
Foliar Spray 25 mL/gallon Apply at 5-7 day intervals. Spray for contact of entire shoot, leaves and stems down to media. Use 2 gallons of solution per 400 sq. ft.
Hydroponics and Aquaponic 10 mL/50 gallons Use higher label rate for established algae. Apply 1-time weekly.
Surface Treatment 25 mL/gallon Allow to remain wet with solution for 1 minute.