Eric Smith, National Horticulture Sales Manager
They are three of BioSafe Systems’ most tried and true products. And when used together during greenhouse propagation, those products – ZeroTol® 2.0, OxiPhos®, and TerraGrow® – have shown impressive results in preventing disease while enhancing plant health.
The products comprise what BioSafe Systems calls its Baseline Program™ for propagation. “They work like a three-legged stool, and they perform unique duties as separate legs of that stool,” says Eric Smith, BioSafe Systems’ National Horticulture Sales Manager.
The products perform as well or better as traditional synthetic chemistries used during propagation. In addition, ZeroTol 2.0, OxiPhos, and TerraGrow are reduced-risk and environmentally friendly chemistries that feature a lower restricted entry interval (REI). ZeroTol 2.0 and TerraGrow are also OMRI-listed.
The first leg of the Baseline Program is ZeroTol 2.0, BioSafe Systems’ popular plant disinfestant and flagship product, which should be applied weekly during propagation. The bactericide/fungicide will kill any bacteria and spores on the plants, the media, or the tray itself, but killing them on the plant surface is its main function to prevent a disease breakout, Smith says.
“Once the inoculum builds to a certain level, it can create disease symptoms such as leaf spots and discoloring,” Smith explains. “ZeroTol 2.0 protects plants from the buildup of inoculum on the outside.”
The systemic bactericide/fungicide OxiPhos should be applied every 2-3 weeks during propagation and can be tanked mixed with ZeroTol 2.0 for application. The active ingredients in OxiPhos are phosphorus acid and hydrogen peroxide, which combat the oomycete pathogen group, including water molds, downy mildew, Pythium, and Phytophthora.
OxiPhos primes a plant’s induced systemic response (ISR), which Smith compares to giving the plant a shot of Vitamin C and Vitamin B12 to boost its natural defense mechanisms. OxiPhos’ on-contact activity also provides ZeroTol 2.0 with a “boost” for that contact kill, Smith states.

Plants on top are grower standard compared to plants on bottom that were treated in accordance with BioSafe Systems’ Baseline Program™ (30 days after treatment).
While ZeroTol 2.0 eradicates inoculum on the plant’s exterior, OxiPhos protects the plant from disease from the inside out by sustaining its immune system. The products provide a solid “one-two punch” to combat disease, Smith says.
The third component of the Baseline Program is TerraGrow, a beneficial soil inoculant and plant health promoter. TerraGrow contains five Bacillus strains that release soil-bound nutrients.
“The Bacillus help metabolize nutrients in the soil, making them more available for root uptake,” Smith says, noting the increased nutrient uptake leads to more vigorous plant root hairs. TerraGrow is not only good for the plants, but also ensures that growers are getting the most out of their fertilizer applications, Smith notes.
The Baseline Program was created from third-party trial data by a well-respected industry professional who analyzed the performance of the three BioSafe Systems’ products against traditional synthetic chemistries. The study concluded that “the BioSafe Systems program would be a viable option for propagators to consider.”
“We’ve seen tremendous results with the Baseline Program when compared to traditional synthetic chemistries,” Smith says. “We have shown propagators there’s a lot of value in this program.”
The program can be implemented year-round because it’s based on when propagation occurs. “It can begin whenever propagators are growing their next crops,” Smith says.
Smith also stresses the “clean chemistry” of the Baseline Program in terms of product stewardship, worker safety, and environmental health. “It’s everything BioSafe Systems strives for as a company,” he adds.